Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happening fast- water and propane

Things are happening so quickly that I have fallen behind on the blogging.  Why so fast? Probably because Miles the Wonder Dog is so incredibly helpful.  Here he is helping David:

 This was around the time David finished setting up the new water tank with an on-demand pump. 
Here it is:

It's a 16 gallon tank, all new lines (made out of pex so they won't rust or corrode). It is set up with a 12v on-demand pump (you can see it in the upper right hand corner), to which David connected on/off switch near the sink, just so the pump doesn't run all the time (if there is a leak or something, which hopefully there won't be).  This whole thing sits under one of the dinette benches, and now has a spiffy hinged lid for easy access.  We also have a new water inlet, so it can be filled easily from outside.  Huzzah.

In this picture, the water tank is on the side that is further away.  Check out the good-looking venting under the dinette bench- one by the water tank so it can get heat (and not freeze) and one near the central wiring area so the battery and everything can ventilate a bit. Plus it just looks cool.

David also did a lot of work for the propane system.  This is serious business, you can bet that Miles was there paying attention to every single detail.
 Nothing escapes his attention, as you can see.

David re-plumbed the camper's propane delivery pipes using 3/8" black iron pipe to replace the kinked copper pipes.  Honestly, Miles was not helpful at all for this phase.

After getting that set up, we tested the stove top (works great), the propane heater (works great) and the oven (doesn't work...yet)

Some photos from appliance day.
Such a cute oven. Do other people use their ovens? We have read that most people just use the stove top.

Here is the inside:
Kind of taken apart to figure out what is wrong.  Here's the problem:
After talking with the nice folks at Rangitsch Brothers RV in Missoula, we think this is the pilot light supply line.  (David actually talked to them, so sorry if I got that wrong, sweetie).

And here is the trusty Hydro Flame furnace. And some long reach matches. Why matches? Because there are no lighters that are not made in China, and we are on a year project of buying nothing from China.

The instructions look they were just printed yesterday.

I think that is it for this post.

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